
Madeleine is an artist and teacher born in Ojai, CA, currently living and working in Honolulu, HI. She works as a visual arts teacher at Wai’anae High School, and paints out of her garage, where she maintains a rich studio practice. She has been drawing and painting for her entire life, and she studied art at Dartmouth College, graduating with honors in 2019.

Generally, she continues to use painting and drawing to examine ideas about perception, symbol, our inner worlds, and the spaces between them, using more specific and seasonal interests like explorations of family, girlhood, memory and youth as vehicles. She sees her process as an excavation — unearthing thoughts, memories, symbols, and fragments of writing and music from the same ancient reservoir deep in the geology of the mind. Using these recovered materials,  she works backwards to decipher the meaning of their connection to one another, and then goes further to the source of the feeling and then beyond that to the feeling itself, delving into the interior always, and again.